Alex Theil and Diana Chovanová
Princess Hatchata, the last Egyptian.
I don’t want to say it aloud, but be careful about this hollow. One old story says it was cursed. Two hundred years ago there was this lady named Hatatcha. She wasn’t an ordinary person, not at all. Have you ever heard about the Last Egyptian? It’s how they called her! This mine is surrounded by her suffering, her never-ending struggle for freedom.
One dark night she was raped by two soldiers. They spat on her body and dignity. Rough uniforms and manners. Soldiers never needed permission from civilians and took what they longed for. They got her body but few years later she got their souls. Sometimes when it’s windy you can hear her hopeless screaming. Everybody who wants to approach her privacy is damned. Like those miners, have you seen the pictures of their dead bodies? It’s all her work. Her soul hasn’t found peace since that time.
And what is worse she was being tortured and humiliated after the act. And under pressure she revealed them the secret. The secret where the national treasure of Egypt, the invaluable collection of the oldest papyri, lie. Basically, it is the key to the culture which might rewrite the history as we know it. Plenty of people are trying to find it but they can never succeed. Her ghost always finds them and punishes them with cruel death. Like those miners, have you seen the pictures of their dead bodies? I will advise you, avoid this place if you can. Shhh, can you feel it? She is coming...